

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!



I was having a discussion with another parent today, someone who just learned of the kids’ diabetes, and she said, “I had absolutely no clue. How do you do it everyday.” I’m not sure if she realized what a weighted comment she had just made. I simply said, “there’s a whole team of people supporting them”. I went on to say it was a lot like the behind the scenes work of any stage performance. What we see is only a small part of all the work goes into the production. And, if everyone is doing their job correctly, the audience only sees the seamless performance.

There are no fewer than a dozen people at the kids’ school who support them in their daily diabetes care. The clinic aids are constantly checking in with them regarding their blood sugar and dosing requirements. Multiple people are watching their schedules, anticipating gym class, recesses, and orchestra (oddly, Walker’s blood sugar typically drops when she plays her viola). They alert us to any testing or evaluations so that meal choices and bolusing align with the ideal blood sugars for tests. Field trips are planned, and chaperones are set up, to ensure the kids always have a trained medical staff to accompany them. Fire drills, lockouts, and lockdowns are practiced with the kids’ care at the forefront of the safety plan. The district nurse checks in often to make sure all medical plans and doctor orders are being followed. Multiple staff members have volunteered to get “Diabetes Trained” in case of emergency, a lengthy procedure with many off-site trainings. Accommodations are put in place so that the kids have the same access to education, after school activities, and regular school activities as any other child; the 504 plan is crucial to their safety while at school, and to keeping their lives as “normal” as possible.

And all this, just while they’re at school.

So when I say we’re not alone, I truly mean, we are not alone. My children feel safe and supported while they are at school. I am so grateful for all the wonderful helpers.

Glucagon the Big Red Shot

Glucagon the Big Red Shot

Everyone thinks they can pass judgement

Everyone thinks they can pass judgement