

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!

Another year older

Another year older

Today is my birthday. As I get older this day takes on new meaning. It has become a celebration of wisdom and a beautiful life.

I feel like I’ve aged more in the last 5 years than at any other point in my life. We all have experiences that wear us down, make us tired, or simply harden us. I’ve come to find the beauty in this. The wrinkles, age spots, and gray hairs tell a story far more lovely than the softness or naiveté of my youth. The wisdom I have gained through every one of these markers of time is glorious and worthy of celebration. I feel stronger and more confident now than I ever have. And I think the same of all my friends. I truly believe we are all becoming more interesting and beautiful with age.

My twenty year old self ain’t got nothin’ on me now.

Reasons I'm Thankful for Diabetes

Reasons I'm Thankful for Diabetes

Mirrors over mouths

Mirrors over mouths