

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!

Market Day

Market Day

For years that kids have watched as I have peddled my wares at craft shows. They’ve helped me set up, sell, and break down my booths. This year they both wanted to sell things at their school’s annual Winter Market. Today was market day. It was cold and sleeting and the kids had a blast.

Walker loves mixing potions, and asked if she could mix up some beeswax wood polish to sell. We worked together on the recipe and buying the supplies, but other than that she did it all. She thought of all the details, like including a polishing cloth with every purchase as well as providing a tin and block of wood to set up as a sample station. When someone bought some of her product she did all the math and worked out the change.

Ollie received a lathe for his birthday, and since August he has been turning pens, wands, and bottle stoppers like a mad man. He set up a table with all of these creations. He sold out of all his fountain pens, and nearly all his magic wands. The best part of all was watching him gain confidences throughout the day as he talked to his customers. Eye contact, smiling, and engaging in conversation are all things he has to consciously work on. It wasn’t necessarily an easy thing for him to do, but I was so proud to watch him today.

The confidence and practical skills the kids gained today was extraordinary. They each chose a charity to donate a portion of their sales: Walker will be giving money to a local animal shelter, and Ollie will be donating to the Children’s Diabetes Foundation. Both kids were buzzing as the went to bed tonight, exhausted and happy.

Farmer Linda's Fruit Popsicles

Farmer Linda's Fruit Popsicles

