

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!

'Tis the Season (for immune support)!

'Tis the Season (for immune support)!

Every winter I go on high alert, trying to keep everyone in the family healthy, while everyone around us is not. The school clinic aides let me know if someone in the class is unwell, and being a teacher, I’m bombarded with kids sneezing and coughing on me on a daily basis.

Starting around October we keep a steady supply of these two items in our house: Elderberry Syrup & Fire Cider Tonic. So I thought I would share the love, and give you a two-for-one recipe post.

Go Forth in Health.

Elderberry Syrup

  • 2/3 c. elderberries

  • 2-4 cinnamon sticks

  • 2 Tbsp. dried ginger

  • 1/2 tsp. whole cloves

  • 3 1/2 c. water

  • 2/3 c. - 1 c. LOCAL honey (depending on level of sweetness desired)

    Brink all but honey to a boil in saucepan. Once boiling reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 45 minutes.

    Strain and press out last of liquid. Add honey. Be sure to use local honey, as this has the best healing properties specific to where you live. It may be a bit more expensive, but it’s worth it for the purpose of this remedy!

    Keeps in fridge for 3 months

    Take 1 Tbsp daily to boost immunity through winter months. Take 1 Tbsp 3x/day when sick. This is GREAT for any respiratory illness.

Fire Cider Tonic

  • 1 large horseradish root, about 7”, scrubbed clean

  • 1 large ginger root, about 7”, scrubbed clean

  • 1 large onion, root and stem end removed and peeled

  • 1 large orange, do NOT peel, use the WHOLE fruit

  • 1 lemon, do NOT peel, use the WHOLE fruit

  • 16 cloves of garlic, peeled

  • 2-4 habanero peppers, stems removed

  • 1 Tbsp ground turmeric

  • raw apple cider vinegar

  • raw local honey

    Grate the horseradish and ginger roots. (If you have a cuisinart blender it makes this job SUPER easy.). Roughly chop the onions, orange, lemon, garlic, and habanero peppers. Stuff it all into a half-gallon glass jar with a tight fitting lid (or if you must, divide evenly into 2 quart sized jars). Sprinkle turmeric on top, and pour apple cider vinegar over the top, allowing it to settle into the crevices of all the contents. Add more (still being patient and allowing it to settle) until the liquid covers the solids. Lay a piece of parchment over the top, and then screw on the lid tightly. You need the parchment, because the vinegar could react with the metal canning lid, and you don’t want this to happen.

    Let the mixture sit in a dark cool place, like a cabinet, and be sure to shake it once a day. Let it sit and infuse for 4 WEEKS.

    After 4 weeks, pour the contents through a strainer lined with an old muslin tea towel (you can use this over again in the future for the same thing. It turns a beautiful yellow and will forever more be your “fire cider towel”), positioning the strainer over a stable pot. Let it drain for 30 minutes, then gather corners of the towel and squeeze out every last bit of liquid. Squeeze HARD.

    Add honey to taste. I usually only add about a 1/4 c. but you may like it sweeter. Taste, and add more as needed.

    Store in a sterilized bottle (no metal!). Keep in a cool dark place (again, I keep mine in my coffee cabinet). Shake well before using.

    We typically take a tablespoon daily, or more when needed.

    It’s got a kick, but it tastes GOOD!

    Pro-tip: use a pair of latex gloves when shredding and chopping everything up. You will thank me when you remove your contacts later….

Needles still hurt

Needles still hurt

Snow Day!

Snow Day!