

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!

Then I blinked, and it's November

Then I blinked, and it's November

I made a promise to myself to write every day of November, and damn it, I plan to stick to this promise. Even if it means I’m letting you all know that TOMORROW I will write a more meaningful post. Today, let me just say, I’m tired and the day, much like the year, has slipped away from me.

So, until tomorrow….


(This isn’t a cop out. It’s me being honest, keeping myself accountable, yet still trying to cut myself some slack. I need a shower. I need sleep. And I’ve eaten too many funsized Twizzlers. Red dye 40 be damned.)

It's just a machine, it's not a cure.

It's just a machine, it's not a cure.

Alarm Fatigue

Alarm Fatigue